Monday, December 27, 2010


So. I think it's time that you and I had a little chat. There have been some... hints.  Little signs.  Of my nerdiness. I've made no secret of my nerd flag. But I don't think that you realize just how much of a nerd I am. Like, you probably figure that I have a dual citizenship to nerdworld and realpeopleworld. See, the thing is, that isn't actually true. It's more like I'm an illegal immigrant in realpeopleworld. Actually, that's a bad analogy because I don't even really like realpeopleworld all that much. Okay. It's sort of like this. Have you heard of grafted trees?  It's this thing where you can take one branch of one tree and splint it to another tree, and they'll grow together. So you can have a tree that bears two different types of fruit.

I'm like that. I'm a nerd tree with a branch or two of normal grafted on.

Me as an awesome tree. (Also why I should not be allowed to use paint unattended.)

I more or less live on the internet. I sometimes quote memes and such, hoping that somebody else will pick up on my reference. Nobody ever does. Once, in Spanish class, a friend made a humorous remark about Don Quijote. A reenactment:

Her:  Jajajajaja! Don Quijote no vesti pantalones.  El esta un loco. Penso que el esta corriendo a lejos de un burro. Jajajajajaj!
Teacher: *Glare*

I also use words like "squick" and "squee" in real life. I use internet phrases, such as "WHAT IS AIR?" and "WHAT IS LIFE?" and "what is this i dont even".  I use initialisims like "brb" and "irl". I use acronyms like "LOL!" and "ROFLMAO!".  I wish very much to buy a shirt that says "DFTBA" on it so that I may find my fellow nerdfighters.

Oh, and of course I am a nerdfighter. I religiously follow vlogbrothers John and Hank Green. They are two of my favorite people ever. I mean, I FLIPPED when I saw Hank's video today. The reason? I recognized a can of soup that he held up to the camera for all of 3 seconds.
It had my name on it.

I'm also a rabid fangirl. I could go on and on about that. But I won't. Because there has been a major spoiler (or so I'm told) unleashed upon one of my fandoms about my OTP, and I must abstain. Which means that I must leave the internet and go read a book, lest I become spoiled.

Best wishes!

This is not a request. It is a demand. 

PPS- I love you guys. (: