I'm like that. I'm a nerd tree with a branch or two of normal grafted on.
Me as an awesome tree. (Also why I should not be allowed to use paint unattended.)
I more or less live on the internet. I sometimes quote memes and such, hoping that somebody else will pick up on my reference. Nobody ever does. Once, in Spanish class, a friend made a humorous remark about Don Quijote. A reenactment:
Her: Jajajajaja! Don Quijote no vesti pantalones. El esta un loco. Penso que el esta corriendo a lejos de un burro. Jajajajajaj!
Teacher: *Glare*
I also use words like "squick" and "squee" in real life. I use internet phrases, such as "WHAT IS AIR?" and "WHAT IS LIFE?" and "what is this i dont even". I use initialisims like "brb" and "irl". I use acronyms like "LOL!" and "ROFLMAO!". I wish very much to buy a shirt that says "DFTBA" on it so that I may find my fellow nerdfighters.
Oh, and of course I am a nerdfighter. I religiously follow vlogbrothers John and Hank Green. They are two of my favorite people ever. I mean, I FLIPPED when I saw Hank's video today. The reason? I recognized a can of soup that he held up to the camera for all of 3 seconds.
It had my name on it.
I'm also a rabid fangirl. I could go on and on about that. But I won't. Because there has been a major spoiler (or so I'm told) unleashed upon one of my fandoms about my OTP, and I must abstain. Which means that I must leave the internet and go read a book, lest I become spoiled.
Best wishes!
This is not a request. It is a demand.
PPS- I love you guys. (: