Friday, October 22, 2010


Dear readers,
This post has been pwned by the ACT, which I take tomorrow and which I am currently cramming for. Will try to post tomorrow, after my post-ACT nap.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Want To Be a Writer

I want to be a writer. I don't want to be a doctor or a pharmicist or a surgeon. I might want to be a scientist. But I really want to be a writer.

I want to write YA novels that wind up in my school library. I want to skype with a room full of students on the other side of the world. I want to make people laugh and cry. I want to make people think.
I've had some of my poetry published, and I have written two novels. Granted, they will never see the light of day, but at this point it's really the process that counts. I could do it. I could be a writer. I could go to college and get a degree in English and never look back. I could do it.

But my parents disagree. They tell me to be realistic. They tell me that I have an obligation to the world to be a scientist, to discover things. That's true, I suppose. I do kind of owe the world for everything it's done for me. But books are important, too. They shape our minds. They make you think, and change you. It's subtle. It's slow. But the change occurs. You go from Point L to Point M, and you aren't the same. Books are a catalyst for change, and I want to be part of that process.

I don't think that my mom understands that I genuinely LIKE staying up all night writing. That my characters mean something to me. That my poetry is my way of expressing myself. I don't think she understands how much I want to like my career of choice, how much I don't want to end up hating my job. I don't think she understands that I would give up financial security to pursue writing. I don't think she understands how important writing is to me.

I want to be a writer.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

IB Hell Week

Kill me. Please, just kill me. It would be the merciful thing to do. I have waaaaay too much to do this week. I'm going to have Tartuffe dress rehearsals/performaces every day this week from 6-9 pm. Then, I have the ACT this weekend. I have to research for both my EE and my HI. I have to do 3 spanish projects, and English project, and I need to start my Psychology IA soon. Then, I have just normal math, HOA, anatomy and spanish homework. Oh, and I have to make up an anatomy test tomorrow. Lovely.

But, on the bright side, I had a glorious weekend. My parents were out of town, so my brother and I had the house to ourselves. We just sat around and chilled and nobody cared. I made cupcakes and didn't clean up the kitchen until right before my parents got home. It was great.  I took the PSAT, and I think I did relatively well. After that, me and some of my friends went to waffle house.  My friend Hannah ordered like a fat man. Hannah is a skinny little white girl, but you wouldn't know it by the way she ordered. I swear, I think our waitress thought that she was pregnant. This is what she ordered:
  1. A buttermilk waffle (These things are plate sized)
  2. Scrambled eggs
  3. A hashbrown
  4. Four pieces of toast
  5. A hamburger
She ate it all.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Smiles for you!

I had a wonderfully amazing day! I went to a book sale with two of my friends and I got five books for $4.25! And then we went to fazolis and got food. Also, on the way home from school, we got to yell at Brandon, which is always a good time.

Then, I went to a PSAT cram party at the tropical smoothie with my friends, and it was fun, We were the only people in the store. Then we went to Kroger. One of my friends bought some silly string and chased my other friend around the parking lot. It was funtimes.

Also, I think that that boy I like likes me too. He walked me to my History of the Americas class even though he had lunch next and my class was in the complete opposite direction. (:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


A breakdown of my day:

Woke up. Asked mom to make me lunch. She told me to grab some soup. I grabbed some soup.
I was almost late to school. But I wasn't actually late. That was good.
In all of my classes, the lights were dimmed. It made me verrrrry sleepy.
I wanted to creep on that boy I like after school, but he was deep in the depths of the band room and the band room scares me so I ended up not creeping on him which I suppose makes me an ineffective creeper.
Jumped a friend's car.
Drove two people home. I'm only legally allowed to take one home.
I opened up my Math IA and stared at the screen.
I procrastinated.
I ran two miles.
I took a shower.
I watched Glee. It was really epic. I don't care what a certain Tyler says; I think Sam's gay.
Did my Math IA for real this time.
Now it's 12:30. I'm very tired. I'm also hungry, but I'm more tired than I am hungry, so I think I'll go to sleep now.

That's a stellar patterns. I hate them now. Thank you, Math IA.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


That's right, folks, you heard it here first: Miss Annie UNDISCLOSED LAST NAME is back! After approximately 6 months of hiatus, I will return to posting.
I'm sure all two of you will be waiting with bated breath.
The thing is, I'm an IB junior who is going to be doing NaNoWriMo next month. November is probably going to kill me. The plan for now is to post three times a week: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday.  I know, those are really random days. You're probably wondering why I'm not doing Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Well, that's because I have stuff to do on Monday and Wednesday. So I don't want to add more stuffs to those days.

Also, just to warn you, the Tuesday posts will almost certainly devolve into rants about that night's Glee. Sorry if you don't like Glee. But I LURVE it, so yeah.

Also, I'm not a rabid fangirl. I promise.