Saturday, November 27, 2010

This is why I don't drink energy drinks......

So, I am currently in the middle of NaNoWriMo.  I've been behind on my wordcount* all month, so I've been staying up late every night I don't have school to play catch up, because I am an irresponsible teenager who likes to stay up far later than she should.
So, last night was going to be one of my catch up nights. The plan was to stay awake and do a 5K to boost my wordcount to 35,000.  The trouble was, it was 12:00 AM. Like an idiot, I hadn't started yet. Irresponsible, remember?  So, I was getting ready to settle in to a heavy duty writing session, when my younger brother came into the study. He was carrying a Monster.

Our parents weren't home, which is how all of the best worst ideas happen. 
He walked into the study with his Monster shot, and showed it to me. I told him he was crazy. I told him. He just smiled and chugged the thing. There was some left, and he was like, "You want the rest?"
What I did next, it started this entire night.
I drank the last bit of the Monster.
It may have been just the placebo effect. Actually, it was the placebo effect at first because there's no way the caffeine entered my body that quickly. I started to feel jittery. And powerful. And so I turned to him, and asked if we had any more.
In retrospect, this was not a good idea.
We didn't have any more. I was ready to leave it at that, but my brother convinced me to go to walmart.
Re-enactment of conversation:
Brother: Let's go to walmart.
Now, let me remind you that our parents weren't home. And, I am not legally allowed to be out driving past midnight. But that most certainly did not stop us.

Long story short, we almost made it home undetected. But, alas, the parents were just a step ahead of us. And because my brother is thirteen and has no legitimate excuse to be awake all night, they made him go to bed, effective immideately.
I was left with a fully loaded can of Amp. And I drank it.
I ingested 142 mg of caffeine. I'm used to 30 mg in one go.
So, you can understand how I completely lost it.
This is a visual representation of how my night went:

On this one, start at the orange smiley face.

There was one point where I couldn't type effectively because my hands were shaking. There was another point when I felt like I was part of the computer chair.
Yeah. But, hey, I wrote 7,500 words last night. That's a lot for me.

*I am so engrossed by NaNoWriMo that I made that two words before I realized that on my blog, wordcount doesn't matter.

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