Thursday, April 8, 2010


Yay!! I pulled the graphite out of my finger! I feel so free!

So I was taking a shower when I looked down at my finger, and I saw a lump of blackness protruding. I was all, 'YAYAYAY! Now I won't have a foreign object stuck in my finger!' Then I reached down to turn the water off,  and OUT OF NOWHERE the showerhead fell out of the holder thingy and landed on the back of my head. It hurt. Then I put it back, and the second I turned around it fell out of the holder thingy AGAIN and hit me in the head AGAIN.

Why do these things happen to me?

Haha, but seriously the graphite was a half a centimeter long. That might not sound like a lot to you, but picture that embedded in your finger. Yeah, I know it's still kind of small. But I expect that it's sort of like a fish story; I embelish a little everytime I tell it. I figure by the time I have grandkids the graphite will have turned into some kind of legit metal and instead of being half a centimeter it will be two inches long.  Kids are gullible. They'll totally believe me. Mwahahahaha!

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