Saturday, April 17, 2010

A few words on napping.

I am a high school student.  And one thing about us is that we a re chronically tired.  We rarely get the full, recomended 8 hours.  After a typical day of school, I look something like this:

By the time I get home, all I want to do is to take a nap.  I stagger upstairs to my bedroom, set my alarm, and crawl under the covers. 

Also, my bedroom is hot pink with lime green polka dots. Anyway, I'm a very deep sleeper.  I sleep long and hard.  So by the time I wake up, I am extremely disheveled and confused. I usually stare at my ceiling for about 5 minutes before I remember what time it is, where I am, or even who I am. 

I stumble downstairs and my mom starts asking me all of these questions.  I make noncommittal grunting noises in the hopes that she will leave me alone for a little while so that I can properly wake up.  And then I go play pokemon or something.

1 comment:

  1. the best things about this post.

    1.) your MS paint rendition of yo room

    2.) the MS paint nidoran (female)
